HomeResourcesWhy your c-suite is your most important customer

Why your c-suite is your most important customer

Is your business culture sabotaging your customer experience strategy?

Many marketers solely focus on the customer as their number one priority but forget the ever-important impact the c-suite has on marketing.
2020 has digitally transformed many businesses this year, so if there is a perfect time to change your strategy, it is now.
The difference between delivering a good customer experience and an experience which you deem to be good, lies in your revenue figures. Marketers not only need the right tools to deliver the best personalised experiences to their customers, but they also need the insights to prove it and build an effective business case for change.

Key topics include:

  • The important of CX for both engagement and revenue
  • How to understand the value of your database
  • Data-led retailing for the good of the customer and to achieve better conversions
  • Examples of successful CX strategies with c-suite buy-in from NikePlus, Travelodge and Travis Perkins
  • Building an effective business case to drive change



This On Demand Webinar is presented by RedEye’s Senior Strategy Manager, Danielle Malvern and was first broadcast at CX Marketing Summit in October 2020.


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