HomeResourcesRedEye and Travelodge win Bronze for Marketing Automation at the DMA Awards 2023

RedEye and Travelodge win Bronze for Marketing Automation at the DMA Awards 2023

8th December 2023 - 3 mins


By Lauren Heckman

, Content Marketing Manager

Multi-stage, hyper-personalised abandoned emails are rare in the Travel industry, therefore making it a perfect candidate for an award-winning campaign.

The DMA Awards, which give awards for their three pillars of beliefs: Strategy, Creativity and Results, making them one of the most rewarding and hard to win in the business – saw the originality and success driven from this campaign created by both Travelodge and RedEye and have awarded it the bronze position.
With Travelodge’s marketing ethos to ensure they always have the ‘customer in mind’ they wanted their communications to really add value to the customer, and therefore be as personalised as possible.
That’s where RedEye’s Marketing Automation platform really comes to life, truly enabling Travelodge to gain access to a real depth of data that they could use to make each communication as relevant as possible to that customer in that moment, to drive purchasing behaviour.
Already a trailblazer in the Travel industry, Travelodge had seen great success with their personalised ‘pre-stay’ automated email campaign we created together.
They now wanted a plan to increase booker numbers and encourage booking, without always having to offer a discount.
Travelodge hotel

14-stage abandoned booking journey

Working together, a personalised 14-stage abandoned booking journey was devised with the sole purpose of taking friction away from the booker and alleviating questions they may have, not only on the hotel they are thinking of booking but by also showcasing information about the surrounding area and local amenities – the first in its industry to do so.
Expertly designed, coded and built by our talented Client Services team, each part of every email in the journey was driven by dynamic content.

Powered by 150 columns of data from 600+ hotels

RedEye’s long-standing data capabilities truly shone through as each part of the creatives was powered by a product table integration which contained over 150 columns of data on the 600 hotels that Travelodge operated meaning the number of permutations that can be generated from this campaign to deliver 1-to-1 personalisation runs into the thousands.
This level of hyper-personalisation is humanly impossible to deliver at scale without the power of an efficient and impactful marketing automation platform that we at RedEye are proud to offer.
For the end customer, their experience with Travelodge was rewarding as they were not only being shown specific content relevant to the hotel that they had been browsing, but it was also helping to answer any questions they had which may have been prohibiting them from booking or enabled them to be reassured the hotel met their needs to complete the booking.
Travelodge beds

Increased engagement and a 37% increase in bookings

This hyper-personalised, value-added approach to their abandoned journey helped drive an increased engagement with prospective bookers with Travelodge seeing a 28% higher open rate and an impressive 466% higher click-through rate for this journey in comparison to the Travel industry average.
On top of this Travelodge successfully achieved over 37% increase in bookings, securing more revenue, as well as more happy Travelodge customers.
Therefore we’re happy that the DMA Awards saw the innovative and strategic thinking of the teams at RedEye and Travelodge put in, in order to achieve this success and therefore we both are very grateful for the Bronze Award in their Marketing Automation category.

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About the author

Lauren Heckman
Lauren Heckman Content Marketing Manager
Lauren is a Content Marketing Manager. With keen interest in strategic campaign planning and digital marketing trends in the B2B market.

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