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How to keep seasonal shoppers spending with you throughout the year

27th January 2020 - 5 mins


By Andy Gilhooley

, Product Marketing Manager

Black Friday, Cyber Monday, January Sales – not to mention the flash offers leading up to Christmas will have increased your first purchasers’ segments over the last couple of months.

But what now; how do you go about securing that all important second sale and converting seasonal shoppers into loyal customers?
It’s not rocket science; discounts and offers aren’t the most profitable, but they are a good way of attracting new customers and – hopefully for your business as a whole.
If your new acquisitions were swayed by price and price alone then you should stop reading now and take a look at this blog post instead on 12 best practices to put customers front and centre.
Even if customers were happy, the odds of post-seasonal second sales are pretty depressing – we found that there’s only a 27% chance that peak period customers will purchase again.
This doesn’t need to be the case though. We’ve created a handy, marketer-friendly infographic to help you develop a strategy to convert and manage your newly acquired customers for the rest of the (less generous) times of the year.

Tip 1: Understand who they are and what motivates them

Creating segments can, if done properly with predictive analytics, help show make-or-break factors so you can identify the right opportunity amongst your peak period single purchasers. These smart insights inform which part(s) of your first to second campaign individual customers receive, improving efficiencies.
For example, you don’t want to waste time drip feeding a customer who is raring to make a second purchase in the next 30 days, or go bulldozing in with a hard sale for those who need to build a relationship with your brand first.

Tip 2: Give them what they want

Choosing the right content to tempt customers back is crucial. From offers and rewards through to early access to new styles, there are many tactics you can use in your first to second campaign.
However, be sure that they are led by your business objectives and the value the second purchase will provide.
For example, offers could create a second purchase, but not necessarily encourage long term value from a customer. Pro tip: if you’re not sure what works, try A/B testing to see which tactics getting new customers excited.

Tip 3: It’s all about timing

Take a look at when peak period customers typically repurchase and use that for the basis of your campaign.
To get the timing even more precise, examine the types of products they purchased, as factors such as whether it was a gift can be used to refine the timing and segments for your campaign.

Top 4: Choose the right channels and mix it up

Now you know when to target them and what to target them with, you now need to establish how you’ll reach them.
The right channel mix can help maximise the response rate from your customers, so consider the message you’re trying to convey and how best different channels will flow as part of your first to second purchase campaign.
Now you’ve got the basics in hand, it’s time to put it all together and target your single purchase customers – go get ‘em!
Time to Target Infographic

Bonus tip: Don’t forgot this important stage though!

Before your customer receives a first to second purchase campaign, you should ensure you have a fully functioning post-purchase journey in place.
The customer should then flow into your first to second purchase campaign based on their behaviour.
For more on first to second purchasers, download the latest infographic.
Download The Inforgraphic

About the author

Andy Gilhooley
Andy Gilhooley Product Marketing Manager
Andy is our Product Marketing Manager and has been in the industry for over 20 years. There's little Andy doesn’t know about email coding and running customer-led multichannel campaigns. He currently sits on the Email Council at the DMA.

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