HomeResourcesEmail – The Queen of your marketing strategy

Email – The Queen of your marketing strategy

26th May 2022 - 5 mins


By Lauren Heckman

, Content Marketing Manager

With the Queen celebrating 70 years on the throne as an important figure within the public eye, here at RedEye we thought it would be a good time to also celebrate the longevity and power that email marketing has within your marketing strategy.

Plus with RedEye having been in the email marketing industry for 25 years, helping hundreds of brands deliver exciting, innovative and engaging email and automation strategies, we know fully well it deserves the crown!
Below we list 5 reasons why email marketing is so powerful and important, including some thoughts from RedEye colleagues who agree.

1. Customers expect the Royal treatment

The beauty of email marketing is that it can be available 24/7 and can work around your customers. You can set up campaigns to be delivered at certain times that you choose, but the best way to use email is through automation.
You can set up personalised campaigns that trigger based off customers individual behaviours making them truly relevant to each customer in that moment.
And those automations can be set up to run in the background, bringing in long term revenue for your brand, just ask Tommy Maddox, our Campaign Manager says:

“One of the aspects of email marketing I think is really exciting is how diverse it can be and how it can be catered to individual client strategies. For example, we can go from sending out an interactive engagement piece for a quick win, to constructing an automated multi-stage behavioural journey that will reap rewards over time.”

A pack of Corgi's

2. If email is Queen, then personalisation is King

It’s the one channel where you can personalise everything. Using dynamic content, you can generate sophisticated personalisation into every single element within an email campaign from top to toe, as well as audience, sender, time and trigger.
As marketers now have greater access to more valuable customer data, the savvy ones are using the data available to really drive benefit to their customers.
One of our Account Managers, Nicole Williams, agrees as the more you use the data to tailor the content or message to their preferences, behaviours, or interests, then the more they will trust and engage with your brand building a deeper relationship.

“Email marketing is such an important element to any communication strategy when used to send the right message, at the right time! At a time where people are more digitally active, brands are able to understand their customers on a more personal level than ever before. Using this valuable data to drive personalised content and engage with customers in an interactive way, is the foundation to building long-lasting customer relationships.”

A pack of Corgi's

3. A Queen must engage with her subjects

Email by far is the best channel for interactive elements. Brands that don’t include interactive or engaging features within their elements are really missing a trick to drive engagement with their customers.
Emails can include so many additional features such as countdowns, scratch to reveal, interactive polls, videos or hot spots to just name a few.
These simple but exciting features can easily and cleverly be built into the design of the email whether it’s being coded or built through drag and drop.
RedEye’s Creative Design Manager Sarah Sherwood believes email interactivity is the best way to bring your emails to life.

“Emails are fresh and immediate, with so much opportunity for interactivity in comparison to other channels. Engaging content can cleverly be designed into the email to not only help your campaigns stand out in the inbox, but also drive real engagement from your customers. So, I would say not just email marketing, but interactive emails are a no-brainer in terms of the best channel to drive exciting comms for any business.”

A pack of Corgi's

4. An address from her majesty

Email enables you to directly communicate offers, products or important information to those customers who are most engaged with your brand.
If you launch a new product range, or have some great seasonal offers, you can’t always expect your customers to just browse your website and find out for themselves.
That’s where email is the perfect way to immediately communicate with your customers in a longer format and more visual way – direct to their inbox.
Emails gives you the perfect opportunity to show a variety such as ranges, complimentary items, new or trending products or latest offers, perfect to excite customers and entice them to make that all important purchase which is why Account Director Claire Treloar thinks that email is great.

“For me, email marketing is great because it’s a channel of advertising where your customers have chosen to invite you into their lives and allowed you into their personal inbox. Customers subscribe to your emails as they want to know what’s hot, what’s on offer and what’s new, in fact, they are demanding to know! By sending them content that’s relevant and timely, it’s the perfect channel to drive repeat purchases from interested customers.”

A pack of Corgi's

5. The Royal Mint

Email is great for its ability to communicate to a large, but targeted group of customers, with personalised communications at scale, for an absolutely tiny cost per send, making it not just the best channel for ROI but also immediacy of results.
No waiting for your customers to log into their social media accounts to see your advertising. Emails that are engaging, relevant and personalised can instantly drive revenue – which just like our Product Marketing Manager, Andy Gilhooley says – is very exciting for any marketer to see.

“What I love most about email marketing is its ability to be able to communicate with so many people and the immediacy of seeing the result of that message in real time. It’s a great buzz for any marketer to see their campaigns bringing back revenue straight away.”

The Queen of Email
Celebrating our own jubilee this year of 25 years we have lasted though the peaks and troughs of retail, recessions, pandemics and have been able to support businesses to thrive with their email marketing journeys with great successes.
Here’s to many more years of email being the Queen of your marketing strategy.

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About the author

Lauren Heckman
Lauren Heckman Content Marketing Manager
Lauren is a Content Marketing Manager. With keen interest in strategic campaign planning and digital marketing trends in the B2B market.

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